Financial Support

Photo illustrating the news item

Please read the below before you get started with your financial support application

Who can receive Financial Support?

At beVisioneers, we’re committed to making the fellowship accessible and inclusive for everyone. We understand that staying engaged in the program means having reliable access to a computer, the internet, and enough time for learning and developing yourself and your project. To support fellows who might face financial or logistical barriers, we offer financial assistance during the first 12 months of the intensive learning program.

You may qualify for financial support and be supported during the first 12-months if you are considered economically disadvantaged. Our definition of this is based on guidelines from the World Bank’s Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP), which divides countries into four income groups and sets poverty lines.

At beVisioneers, you can qualify for financial support if
1. Your income is below the average income in your country, OR
2. The average income in your country is lower than the poverty line, based on the World Bank’s standards.

If this describes your situation AND you have completed the application for financial support described below, you can receive assistance to help improve your fellowship experience.

We’re here to make sure that everyone can participate fully in the fellowship!

Types of Financial Support

There are 2 types of financial support that you have the option to apply for

1. Financial support for LIVING COSTS

  • This support covers a basic income equivalent to 24 hours of work, adjusted to the cost of living in your country
  • It also includes funds for local transportation to attend in-person meet-ups

2. Financial support for ONLINE ACCESS

  • This support helps cover costs for internet access and technical equipment
  • It ensures you have what you need to participate in the virtual aspects of the program
  • You can use these funds for things like internet data, cables, electricity, a laptop, or repairs
  • Note: It is IMPORTANT to agree to the terms of acceptance of this type of financial support – You must upload receipts to verify your purchases

You can choose to receive only the Financial support for LIVING COSTS or both LIVING COSTS and ONLINE ACCESS support.

All financial support amounts are adjusted based on the purchasing power/cost of living in your country. If you successfully apply for financial support and are accepted into the fellowship program, you will receive monthly payments directly to your bank account.

To apply for financial support, please follow these steps

STEP 1 – Prepare your income information

1. Calculate your income for 2023

  • If you share income with others (like parents, a sibling or a spouse)
    • Add up your income plus the income of the people you share with
      Eg. If you and your spouse both earn money, combine both incomes
  • If you do NOT share income with others
    • Use only your own income
      Eg. If you live alone or with roommates but don’t share money, use just your income

2. Collect proof of income

  • If you have access to bank account statements//or can get access
    • Get bank transaction records showing income for the last three months
  • If you do NOT have access to bank statements/can NOT get access provide
    • Fill out the Income Declaration Form provided

STEP 2 – Provide household details

3. Count the number of people in your household

  • If you share income
    • Count everyone you share money with
      Eg. You, your mother, and your father = 3 people
  • If you do NOT share income
    • Count only yourself
      Eg. Just you = 1 person

4. Note your household income

  • Use the total income from Step 1
  • This shows how much money supports your household

STEP 3 – Inform us about expected income changes

5. Report expected income reduction (If any)

  • If your income will go down because of the fellowship commitment
    • Estimate how much less you will earn
    • Explain briefly why it will decrease
      Eg. “I will earn $200 less per month because I will reduce my working hours.”

STEP 4 – Provide a testimonial person

6. Choose a testimonial person

  • Someone who can confirm your living situation
  • Requirements for the testimonial person
    • Must be employed
    • Cannot be a family member
      Eg. Teacher, employer, community leader

7. Have the testimonial person complete the form

  • Give them the testimonial form provided
  • They should fill it out and sign it

STEP 5 – Review and submit Your application

Friendly tip: Copy this section below and put it on your bedroom wall/your fridge/your bathroom mirror/your daily planner so that you can remember to come back to it and check off all these items until your application has been submitted!

  • Double-check all information
    • Make sure all forms are filled out correctly.
    • Ensure all information is accurate
    • Attach all required documents
    • Income proof (bank records or income declaration form).
    • Completed and signed testimonial form
  • Submit your application
    • Send all documents before the deadline.
    • Follow the submission instructions provided by beVisioneers.


  • Be honest and accurate with all information.
  • If you have questions, contact the beVisioneers support team for help.

Financial support application CHECKLIST

  • Yearly income for 2023 and 3 months of bank records (or income declaration form).
  • Household size and shared income (if applicable).
  • Estimate of any expected income reduction during the fellowship.
  • Completed and signed testimonial form from a non-family, employed person

14 Oct 2024